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SVG viewing?

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SVG viewing? Empty SVG viewing?

Post  c.trauma Mon 29 Jul - 19:21

I'm trying to evaluate Konverter FM 4.09 build 6 on Windows 7 64bit, and my main interests are to use it as a vector graphic previewer, although I see it can do so much more.

*.ai files seem to work, but if I look in the header I see it is a PDF. Looking at the feature page seems to indicate eps/ps/ai/svg/svgz files should work, but I get nothing but "Unknown format!" and a hex view of the file. Do I need to add anything else to make it work? Maybe ghostscript of gsview?

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Join date : 2013-07-29

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SVG viewing? Empty Re: SVG viewing?

Post  Jean Tue 6 Aug - 6:49

Yes you should install Ghostscript

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Join date : 2010-07-06
Location : Rennes


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