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Why portable version ask for UAC

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Why portable version ask for UAC Empty Why portable version ask for UAC

Post  Muhammad Tasneem Mon 8 Feb - 7:26

I have installed portable version on windows 8.1

Why it ask for UAC every time I runs it?
If I press no than program not run.
I have check there is no compatibility mode ON.

Muhammad Tasneem

Posts : 66
Join date : 2010-10-09

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Why portable version ask for UAC Empty Re: Why portable version ask for UAC

Post  Jean Mon 15 Feb - 8:43

Do you use an administrator profile ?

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Why portable version ask for UAC Empty Re: Why portable version ask for UAC

Post  Muhammad Tasneem Wed 17 Feb - 7:07

sorry for late reply.

I have test it on my PC which is windows 8.1, and I am the only Administrator user.

Muhammad Tasneem

Posts : 66
Join date : 2010-10-09

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Why portable version ask for UAC Empty Re: Why portable version ask for UAC

Post  Jean Fri 19 Feb - 9:45

I cannot reproduce on 8.1

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Why portable version ask for UAC Empty Re: Why portable version ask for UAC

Post  Muhammad Tasneem Mon 27 Jun - 13:06

Tested it today.

Konvertor still ask for UAC when run from USB.
on some PCs user are limited and they will not allow.
I will check it in few days but on my own computer (Windows 10) I have the only one user (with all administrative rights) but everytime when I run Konvertor from USB the UAC prompt appears and ask for permission. Is ther ant solution to avoid this prompt (except disabling UAC)

Muhammad Tasneem

Posts : 66
Join date : 2010-10-09

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