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so important suggestion!!

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so important suggestion!! Empty so important suggestion!!

Post  dokdo&korea Wed 22 Feb - 11:01

I comeback.... Smile

sometimes I use konvertor and think good idea....

today's suggestion is flash advertise.

so important suggestion!! Navercom20120222143712

This program is Alzip (made by Estsoft - korea)

Alzip (only personal version) have a advertise zone.

Feature:flash advertise's purpose is a income.

It will give a not a few income and we can see the needful(or useful) advertise.

....it's a great...?? Shocked

Thanks so much&have a nice day~~~


Posts : 11
Join date : 2012-02-13

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so important suggestion!! Empty Re: so important suggestion!!

Post  Jean Wed 22 Feb - 11:21

Seen in a newsgroup:
"with "Alzip", I can decompress the "EGG" files. but, I don't like "Alzip" for commersial advertisements"

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